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Our company welcomes the "Seventh Five Year Plan" law popularization inspection

On the morning of September 19, an inspection team composed of municipal and district leaders such as Meng Wei, member of the Standing Committee of the municipal Party committee and Secretary General o…

Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia investigation team came to our company for investigation

On the morning of September 6, the investigation team of Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, accompanied by the leaders of the District Agricultural Committee, inspected the comprehensive utilization of crop…

The exchange meeting of the eighth group of deputies to Yongqiao District People's Congress was held in our company

On the afternoon of June 5, the eighth group of deputies to Yongqiao District Peoples Congress held the first exchange meeting in our company. The city sent representatives fan Xiaohui and Lu Xiaosong …

Li Guoying, governor of Anhui Province, and his delegation visited our company

On the morning of May 29, Li Guoying, governor of Anhui Provincial Peoples government, and his delegation visited our company accompanied by Yang Jun, deputy secretary of Suzhou municipal Party committ…

Our company participated in Suzhou "four free and one service" double thousand project elements docking meeting

On the morning of May 22, Suzhou citys "four free and one service" double thousand project elements docking meeting was held in Suzhou International Hotel. The docking meeting built a docking…

The general manager of our company was interviewed by Suzhou radio and television station on the 70th anniversary of the "May Day Slogan"

In order to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the "May Day Slogan", as a member enterprise of the Democratic founding of the peoples Republic of China, Zhang Jibing, general manager of our …

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